Yoga lovers, listen up! A CBD-infused yoga session might be just what you're looking for. Yoga may already be an integral part of your daily routine, but did you know that CBD may offer some additional advantages? Whether you use CBD daily or you've never tried it, next time you are heading to your yoga mat, consider bringing some CBD.
First Off, Why Has Yoga Gained So Much Popularity?
Each day, we're all plagued by an unwelcome buzz of stress and anxiety. Who could blame us? Even watching one segment of the evening news can make your blood pressure skyrocket. And let's not forget the stresses of our day-to-day lives. Every one of us is busy working toward career goals, fostering relationships, handling finances, and if we're lucky, finding time to do the things we enjoy. This perpetual state of being busy is a curse that robs us of the joy of living in the moment and contrary to popular belief, diminishes our productivity.
In today's stressed-out world, more and more people are turning to yoga to calm their minds, relax their bodies, and connect with themselves for greater health and wellness.
But yoga isn't the only player in town.
Would you be surprised if we told you that CBD and yoga are complementary in terms of their ability to improve emotional and physical health?
CBD, like yoga, may improve the mind-body connection, and when combined, studies suggests they have the potential to produce a synergistic effect, further reducing stress, improving physical and emotional health, and helping practitioners achieve greater depth in their yoga practice.
Why CBD And Yoga?
Yoga and CBD go together like Wonder Woman and Super Man. Research suggests that when they work together, they may provide similar therapeutic benefits, such as pain management and reducing anxiety and stress.
Yoga is a practice that emphasizes mindfulness. Taking CBD before class can help quiet the millions of thoughts whirring through your mind, reducing stress, improving focus, and enabling you to achieve a yoga-ready state of mind. For an extra calming, restorative yoga practice, we recommend taking one of our delicious CBD gummies, or a dropper of our CBD tincture, and giving your body 30 minutes to absorb it.
In synergy with your practice,
In synergy with your practice, it is suggested that CBD can be a powerful anti-inflammatory agent that relieves pain, relaxes your muscles, and helps you move into deeper stretches, improving your flexibility over time to help reduce muscle soreness and tension during your practice, CBD may be taken before you begin. It can also be used post-workout to help soothe stressed out and sore muscles.